Saturday, March 29, 2014

Type 1 Dress up time! RWBY - red

I had an unfortunate playground accident and could not use my fingers for a week.  Thus all sewing had come to a halt.  But with tender fingers now healing, and I can get back to sewing for a few hours a day.  I've been finishing up the RWBY cosplay for my daughter.  Here it is. She is definitely a Type 1... cosplay is one of her favorite things to do.

And now I can get back to sewing some things for myself.  This month, I want to finish a pair of yoga pants and a casual t-shirt or workout shirt.  If I have extra fabric, I'll make a pair of yoga shorts too.  I do have a bunch of stuff for work, but I'm pretty sure I'll have time for my own things this month.  :)

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